I've Been Thinkin'
What am I gonna do for my research paper?
Dunno yet!
I have a few ideas, but none of them seem to be solid enough to research thouroughly. Nothing original.
I'm inclined to be leaning towards film and tv meets the internet and the possibilities of a kind of 'Multimedia' T.V series.
People like to mimic TV characters and follow their lives on screen so why not let the viewer commincate with the character, or learn more about the character when they are not on the tv screen. What i'm trying to say is give the character more life than just what you see on the tv screen. Video blogs of the character, the characters could have a 'My Space' account,the real character not the actor of the character, creating more life for the character Something in which the viewer could get to know the character and identify with them thus making the show more real to the viewer.
I dunno I jus think TV can be more thyan just TV, there's so much more you can do with it. Crossing over narrative from one form to another, creating new narrative in another form that ties in with the story being told. Kinda like putting a jigsaw puzzle together.
You have all these parts and when you put them together you get so much more than just TV show.
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