All that which is about to happen!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

freakin out

k now I'm freakin out. final year project seems to be slippin away from us. We had this great idea of doin a super narrative, thinkin yeah we could use different platforms of mediaie. audio (radio stuff), video, text, animation, graphic novel, to try and get across a story. All the different platforms will tie in with one another and maybe hint at something else that is goin on in a different platform. See if the same people are going from one platform to the other to piece together the whole story. And I've just been on the home and away website and they got a blog from saslly, meet the characters, pic's from the whole weeks episodes, which adds to the story line thus making it pretty much a form of a supernarrative.
how can we improve it though?
what will make ours better than home and away?
How can we get people to follow our charaters lives?
I know bebo and myspace an alll that jazz, but is it gonna work?
we gotta get crackin'.